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Security updates for Wednesday

Dist. ID Release Package Date
Debian DLA-3777-1 LTS composer 2024-03-27
Debian DLA-3776-1 LTS nodejs 2024-03-27
Fedora FEDORA-2024-38c2261ca0 F38 w3m 2024-03-27
Fedora FEDORA-2024-3fc66f8bf3 F39 w3m 2024-03-27
Mageia MGASA-2024-0090 9 tomcat 2024-03-26
Oracle ELSA-2024-1530 OL9 expat 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1486 OL7 firefox 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1486 OL7 firefox 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1484 OL8 firefox 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1485 OL9 firefox 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1472 OL8 go-toolset:ol8 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1501 OL9 grafana 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1502 OL9 grafana-pcp 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1503 OL9 nodejs:18 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1498 OL7 thunderbird 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1498 OL7 thunderbird 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1494 OL8 thunderbird 2024-03-27
Oracle ELSA-2024-1493 OL9 thunderbird 2024-03-27
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1522-01 EL9.2 dnsmasq 2024-03-26
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1530-01 EL9 expat 2024-03-26
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1532-01 EL9.2 kernel 2024-03-27
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1533-01 EL9.2 kernel-rt 2024-03-27
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1514-01 EL8 libreoffice 2024-03-26
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1512-01 EL8.2 libreoffice 2024-03-26
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1513-01 EL8.8 libreoffice 2024-03-26
Red Hat RHSA-2024:1515-01 EL9.2 squid 2024-03-26
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1000-1 SLE12 firefox 2024-03-26
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1002-1 SLE15 SES7.1 oS15.5 firefox 2024-03-27
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1006-1 MP4.3 SLE15 SLE-m5.3 SLE-m5.4 oS15.4 osM5.3 osM5.4 krb5 2024-03-27
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:0999-1 SLE15 krb5 2024-03-26
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1001-1 SLE15 SLE-m5.1 SLE-m5.2 SES7.1 oS15.3 krb5 2024-03-27
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:0997-1 SLE15 SLE-m5.5 oS15.5 krb5 2024-03-26
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1005-1 SLE12 libvirt 2024-03-27
SUSE SUSE-SU-2024:1007-1 SLE-m5.5 shadow 2024-03-27

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