
Emergency Measures: Are we doing enough to protect consumers this winter?

středa 14. prosince 2022 ()
This online Let’s Meet! event ‘Emergency Measures: Are we doing enough to protect consumers this winter? will look to address what is needed to ensure protection of consumers at this time of high energy prices and what more could be done.
Místo konání: ONLINE; ZOOM
Pořádá: Eurogas, https://www.eurogas.org/

Podrobnosti o akci: https://www.eurogas.org/events/eurogas-lets-meet-emergency-measures-are-we-doing-enough-to-protect-consumers-this-winter/



Datum uveřejnění: 2.12.2022
Poslední změna: 02.12.2022
Počet shlédnutí: 718