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Security updates for Monday

Dist. ID Release Package Date
Debian DLA-3225-1 LTS awstats 2022-12-05
Debian DSA-5295-1 stable chromium 2022-12-04
Debian DSA-5293-1 stable chromium 2022-12-03
Debian DLA-3220-1 LTS clamav 2022-12-04
Debian DLA-3217-1 LTS g810-led 2022-12-03
Debian DLA-3223-1 LTS giflib 2022-12-05
Debian DLA-3224-1 LTS http-parser 2022-12-05
Debian DLA-3219-1 LTS jhead 2022-12-04
Debian DSA-5294-1 stable jhead 2022-12-04
Debian DLA-3218-1 LTS libpgjava 2022-12-03
Debian DLA-3221-1 LTS node-cached-path-relative 2022-12-05
Debian DLA-3222-1 LTS node-fetch 2022-12-05
Debian DLA-3216-1 LTS vlc 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-5d37367673 F36 fastnetmon 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-18023b665f F37 fastnetmon 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-b36cd53dca F35 kernel 2022-12-05
Fedora FEDORA-2022-24041b1667 F36 kernel 2022-12-05
Fedora FEDORA-2022-e4460c41bc F37 kernel 2022-12-05
Fedora FEDORA-2022-5d37367673 F36 librime 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-18023b665f F37 librime 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-0ff8149aad F35 qpress 2022-12-04
Fedora FEDORA-2022-e19ca639ef F36 qpress 2022-12-04
Fedora FEDORA-2022-dacf699829 F37 qpress 2022-12-04
Fedora FEDORA-2022-5d37367673 F36 rr 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-18023b665f F37 rr 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-b83fff8106 F36 thunderbird 2022-12-03
Fedora FEDORA-2022-cf9ae8e4ff F37 wireshark 2022-12-04
Red Hat RHSA-2022:8767-01 EL8.4 kernel 2022-12-03
Red Hat RHSA-2022:8765-01 EL8.4 kernel-rt 2022-12-03
Red Hat RHSA-2022:8768-01 EL8.4 kpatch-patch 2022-12-03
Slackware SSA:2022-336-01 mozilla 2022-12-02
SUSE openSUSE-SU-2022:10230-1 osB15 cherrytree 2022-12-04
SUSE openSUSE-SU-2022:10229-1 osB15 chromium 2022-12-04
Ubuntu USN-5759-1 22.04 22.10 libbpf 2022-12-05
Ubuntu USN-5760-2 14.04 16.04 libxml2 2022-12-05
Ubuntu USN-5760-1 18.04 20.04 22.04 22.10 libxml2 2022-12-05
Ubuntu USN-5755-2 20.04 22.04 linux-gcp-5.15, linux-gke, linux-gke-5.15 2022-12-02
Ubuntu USN-5756-2 20.04 linux-gke 2022-12-02

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