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Tváří v tvář smrti! Kajakář přežil neskutečný kousek


Z toho se tají dech. Americký kajakář Dane Jackson skočil začátkem měsíce 40 metrový vodopád v Chile. Jednalo se o druhý nejvyšší pokus v historii. Na video s odvážným kouskem šestadvacetiletého rodáka z Tennessee se můžete podívat níže.

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Kajakář sjel 40 metrů vysoký vodopád v ChileVideo: sntv


Dane Jackson je prvním člověkem, který 40 metrový vodopád v chilském regionu Maule dokázal pokořit. Zároveň se jednalo o druhý nejvyšší skok z vodopádu kajakářem v historii. Nejlepší pokus má na svědomí Tyler Brad, který se v roce 2010 spustil z výšky 57 metrů.

Jackson svůj kousek plánoval pět let. Začátkem února svůj sen realizoval. „Tohle byl rozhodně nejbláznivější skok, který jsem kdy udělal. Ten pohled na vodopád mi hodně pocuchal nervy. Ta výška je ohromná, bylo to fakt bláznivé," řekl odvážný Američan na videu.

Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu

There are very few drops I’ve ever obsessed over, but as soon as I saw a photo of Maule 4 years ago, I would every now and then stare at photos and video, wondering. When I got a message from Lorenzo in January, showing one of the better videos of the drop, I knew it was time to finally see it for myself. I couldn’t believe how well everything came together with only a month to organize, ending up with a dream team. When I arrived I got to see it without water, it gave me the chance to truly see if it was doable, and once it was clear it was deep enough, it was game on. When the following week came and I got to see it with water, it was just as glorious as I had always hoped, and the location was almost too breathtaking to be real. Because I felt so confident in the height and line, I decided to not measure it till after I ran it, which I feel helped with my confidence, as I think knowing the height beforehand might’ve messed with my head a bit more. After 6 hours of waiting for good light, it was finally time. The view of going over that horizon was one of the greatest I’ll ever experience, and felt just as smooth as I imagined. I felt it out for a while and had the best line I could have planned, and it was so soft. Though when I hit my skirt ended up blowing, and even though I went deep I still popped up in my boat. But after getting a roll in, I went into the seam and ended up coming out there. Not staying fully in my boat was crushing as there’s nothing more I would have liked than to have the descent be 100% successful. That being said with a drop of that height and power, though it could have gone slightly better, things could have gone much worse. So in the end I’ll take it as a win, and without a doubt one of the best days of my life. Now, onto the next... | #saltomaule #dreamdrop #soepic | | #gopro

Příspěvek sdílený Dane Jackson (@danejacksonkayak),Úno 16, 2020 v 3:49 PST


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