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7. Social Services



1. Department of Social Services

This Department focuses on services for elderly people and people with disabilities

  • coordinating provision of social services

Social workers from this Department mediate and coordinate provision of social services to residents. They can arrange follow-up social services for residents released from medical facilities.

  • basic and specialized social counseling

Social workers recommend or arrange social or legal help to senior residents, people with disabilities and people at risk of social exclusion

  • issuing of parking passes for vehicles transporting disabled people

Parking pass will be issued to a holder of „Disabled Identification Card“ with disability of II. or III. degree. Parking permit will be issued immediately, we require personal presence of the Disabled Identification Card holder, identity card and 1 photograph.

  • appointing a special recipient of a retirement pension

The Municipality can appoint a special recipient of a retirement pension based on request of the current recipient or the person wishing to become a special recipient. Appointing a special recipient is requested when the current recipient can no longer accept or responsibly manage his/her pension.

  • funeral payments

The Municipality is obliged to provide a funeral of a deceased, who died on its territory and had nobody else willing to provide the funeral.

  • public guardianship for incapacitated people

Public guardian acts on behalf of incapacitated people in public offices and institutions and courts, manages pensions and other forms of income or assets of these people.


2.  Department of Family and Child Services

  • single-parent families

This Department provides counseling in difficult family, social and personal situations, conducts child protection investigation in families, homes, schools, child´s workplace, and medical, educational and other facilities, finds information about the child and family, cooperates with other state agencies and local authorities. Helps find professional counseling or assistance provided by medical and other insitutions.

  • gaurdianship of children who cannot be represented by parents

The Department carries out tasks associated with the guardianship, in case there is a conflict of interest between parents and the child and thus the parents cannot represent the child, the Department acts primarily in the interest of the child. The Department can initiate legal proceedings leading to determination of paternity of a minor, it suggests and conducts educational measures /warning, oversight, restrictions/ and watches their effectiveness. Proposes pre-emptive measures in court regarding foster care, if necessary - takes part in enforcement of court´s ruling. Provides assesments about the family environment of minors based on the courts requirements and proposes measures concerning their further upbringing. Submits proposals to initiate courts proceedings concerning institutional care and termination /restriction/ of parental responsibility.

  • lack of childcare, child abuse and neglect

Reaches out for children at risk. Makes proposals to initiate criminal prosecution of parents/people responsible for the child´s upbringing/ if there is a suspicion of a crime against the child, represents the child in criminal proceedings.

  • foster care

Oversees development of children in foster care.

Cooperates with the Prague Magistrate while organizing foster care. It registers people interested in foster care and adoption, investigates their environment. Accepts applications for foster care. Provides counseling to foster parents and people interested in foster care. Cooperates with NGOs. Finds suitable care for children in difficult situations while trying to avoid institutional care.


3. Department of Prevention

  • Youth Correctional Counselor

Youth Correctional Counselor works with juvenile law offenders (minors up to 15 years of age) and adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age who committed an offence or a crime and criminal proceedings were opened against them. The Youth Correctional Counselor represent the interests of the children and youth during police investigation, court hearings and public prosecutors investigations. In collaboration with families, schools and other specialized institutions they resolve behavior disorders of children and youth (truancy, running away from home, drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution etc.) Youth Correctional Counselors analyze sociopathological behavior in children and create preventive measures. They participate in organizing educational camps and stays for children and youth. They give lectures and courses tailored to address educational and social problems.

  • Correctional Counselor for Adults

Correctional Counselor for Adults is a specialized social worker who works with adults in difficult or critical situation. Through instruments like specialized social counseling and crisis intervention they provide, recommend or co-ordinate social, legal and psychological help to people who are at risk of social exclusion, life in extreme poverty and to victims of crime or domestic or transgenerational violence. They cooperate with state agencies and non-goverment organizations, pay visits to clients in prisons, detox clinics etc, reach out for people at risk of social exclusion – especially homeless people.

  • Drug Policy Coordinator

Drug Policy Coordinator participates in implementation of drug policy in the Prague 12 City district, he/she cooperates with state agencies, Regional Authorities, providers of social services. Drug Policy Coordinator participates in financing programs of Drug Policy and monitors effective use of finances, provides methodological guidence for primary prevention of risky behavior in schools and participates in creating network of secondary and terciary prevention. Gathers and evaluates information about drug abuse in Prague and especially in the Prague 12 City District and proposes practical measures.

Drug Policy Coordinator also provides basic addiction counseling and information about treatment possibilities for addicts and their families and methodological guidance to cooperating organizations and institutions.



Prague 12 Municipality does not approve the social benefits or help with findning a job.

For these issues you must contact the Job Office (Úřad práce ČR) – Office in Prague 4

Useful Contacts

Contacts for social services in the Prague 12 City District

Organizations providing assistance to elderly people, families, children and youth with disabilities

Registry of Social Services Providers

Social and Legal counseling, interpreting

Intercultural Workers

Center for Integration of Foreigners www.cicpraha.org/

Useful Information



Useful Links






This material was created as part of the Prague 12 Municipality project „Integration of Non EU Foreigners“, co-financed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and by the Prague 12 Municipality.
Ministerstvo vnitra ČR Logotyp městské části Praha 12
Zodpovídá: Mgr. Jana Knotková
Vytvořeno / změněno: 1.12.2016 / 9.1.2018


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