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3 položek/měsíc

Design to Support New Query Parameters in GET Call Through Configurations Without Making Code Changes

With this design support, new query parameters will be as easy as adding a new query parameter as a property in the application's configuration file. Implemented this using Spring Boot framework and MongoDB as the backend database. HTTP GET is two types of path parameters and query parameters. In this article, I’m discussing query parameters. Query parameter GET call is a set of parameters that are part of the URL. Query parameters are appended in the URL after the HTTP resource with ? symbol a…

System Design Interview Preparation Guide and Cheat Sheet

The Software Engineering job market is on fire! Especially if you have a couple of years of experience under your belt. And in the world of Software Engineering, if you are applying for a Senior Engineer / Lead / Architect / or a more senior role, System Design is the most sought-after skill and hence one of the most important rounds in the whole process. If you mess this up, nothing else would m…

Functional Interfaces in Java

Being an Object-Oriented programming language, Java cannot have independent functions as everything except for some primitive data types and methods revolves around Classes and Objects. Functions have always been a part of a class that can only be called using objects or classes. However, with the release of Java8, a new concept called function interface as well as some other features like Lambda Expressions , Time API, Stream API , etc. were released.

Testcontainers With Kotlin and Spring Data R2DBC

In this article, we will discuss testcontainers library and how to use it to simplify our life when it comes to integration testing our code. For the purpose of this example, I am going to use a simple application with its business centered around reviews for some courses. Basically, the app is a service that exposes some GraphQL endpoints for review creation, querying, and deletion from a PostgreSQL database via Spring Data R2DBC . The app is written in Kotlin using Spring Boot 2.7.3.

Simulating and Troubleshooting StackOverflowError in Scala

In this series of simulating and troubleshooting performance problems in Scala, let’s discuss how to simulate StackOverflowError . StackOverflowError is a runtime error, which is thrown when a thread’s stack size exceeds its allocated memory limit. Sample Program Here is a sample Scala program, which generates the StackOverflowError :

Debugging the Perplexing - Don’t Panic!

In the 10+ years, I’ve spent in software development, I’ve formulated a law of debugging: “The perplexity of a software bug and the simplicity of its probable cause are positively correlated”. Put simply, the more confounding and “impossible” a bug appears to be, the likelier it is that the underlying reason for the bug is not some nightmare compiler edge-case or hardware problem, but rather something that’s actually quite simple. Below are two cases that demonstrate the law in action. Case #1:…

Testing the Untestable and Other Anti-Patterns

Books on bad programming habits take up a fraction of the shelf space dedicated to best practices. We know what good habits are – or we pay convincing lip service to them – but we lack the discipline to prevent falling into bad habits. Especially when writing test code, it is easy for good intentions to turn into bad habits, which will be the focus of this article. But first, let’s get the definitions right. An anti-pattern isn’t simply the absence of any structured approach, which would amount…

A Closer and Detailed Look at SOAP API

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is software that allows two different applications to send messages to each other. For example, say you need to log into an app using your Google account because you want a check-in email to arrive in your main inbox. Here, a Web API is used. It’s an agreement between these web services about how they are going to exchange data.

Why I Don't Do TDD

I recently gave a talk about debugging for the London Java Community. During the Q&A part of the talk, someone asked me about my approach to Test Driven Development. In the past, I looked at that practice in a more positive light. Writing lots of tests — how can that be bad? But as time moved on, I now see it in a different light. I see it as a very limited tool that has very specific use cases. It doesn’t fit into the type of projects I build and often hinders the fluid processes it’s supposed…

Jakarta EE and MicroProfile at EclipseCon Community Day 2022

Community Day at EclipseCon 2022 was held in person on Monday, October 24 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. Community Day has always been a great event for Eclipse working groups and project teams, including Jakarta EE/MicroProfile. This year was no exception. A number of great sessions were delivered from prominent folks in the community. The following are the details including session materials. The agenda can still be found here . All the materials can be found here . Jakarta EE Community State of th…

Auto-Scaling a Spring Boot Native App With Nomad

Horizontal scaling and in particular auto-scaling is a common challenge for many applications no matter their architectural approach (monolithic or microservices) and the deployment environment (cloud or on-premises). Today's Cloud providers provide a rich variety of options and tools to accommodate this critical requirement: to be able to scale services instances up or down, based on specified rules, in an efficient manner in order to: Avoid unavailability Ensure the quality of service Optimiz…

When To Use the @DynamicUpdate With Spring Data JPA

The Spring Data JpaRepository interface comes with the save(S entity) method that is frequently used to update an entity representation on the database level. By default, the method generates an UPDATE statement that requests a change to the values of all the entity class columns. This includes the columns not touched by your application code. However, this behavior can be far from satisfactory for several reasons. Luckily, Hibernate supports the @DynamicUpdate annotation that, once applied to …

Linked List Popular Problems Vol. 1

Aloha guys. Today we are trying to solve three popular linked list problems: Linked List Cycle, Middle of the Linked List, and Remove Duplicates from Sorted List . Let's start with my favorite Leetcode problem.

Spring Boot for Cloud: Actuator

In previous articles, we talked about some features of Spring Boot that are very useful in the development phase of our system: we described simplified dependency management and API development , for instance. In this article, we are going to cover functionalities that are related to a production environment. When a Spring Boot application is finally in production, it needs all the tools to manag…

Spring Boot for Cloud: REST API Development

There are two main ways by which microservice applications can interact with each other: REST services and messaging systems. The REST approach is the most common and will be treated in this article. We will see how Spring boot can make the development process of REST APIs fairly easy, with the use of a set of useful annotations and some implicit background behavior, like the serialization of model objects to JSON format. Another important issue is related to the documentation and sharing of AP…
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