Xfce 4.20 přidává nové funkce a vylepšuje podporu Waylandu Po dvou letech vývoje byla podle plánu vydána nejnovější verze desktopového prostředí Xfce 4.20. Velká část novinek je soustředěna okolo lepší podpory Waylandu při zachování kompatibility s X11. Kromě toho jsou k dispozici nové funkce, hromada opravených chyb a různá drobná vylepšení. Postřehy z bezpečnosti: Ivanti dává hattrick třemi kritickými zranitelnostmi V dnešním díle postřehů se nejprve podíváme na hattrick od Ivanti, zranitelnost v AMD-SEV a chybu v imagebuilderu pro OpenWrt. Poté na některé aktivity ruských hackerů a severokorejských podvodníků. Linux predictions for 2025 As we close out 2024, we Linux enthusiasts are once again looking ahead to what the future holds. While Linux has long been the unsung hero of technology, powering servers, supercomputers, and the cloud, it’s also a dominant force in the consumer space, even if many don’t realize it. Linux 6.13-rc3 Released With KVM Caching For "Wildly Expensive" Intel CPUID Handling Linus Torvalds announced the release this evening of the Linux 6.13-rc3 kernel as Linux 6.13 works its way to stable release by late January... Xfce 4.20 Desktop Released With Wayland Improvements & New Features After roughly two years of development the Xfce 4.20 lightweight desktop has been released ahead of the year end holidays... Kernel prepatch 6.13-rc3 Linus has released 6.13-rc3 for testing. " Earlier this week it felt to me like things might have already started to quiet down in prep for the holidays, but doing the statistics on rc3 that doesn't actually seem to be the case - this looks very regular both in number of commits and in diff size ". Týden na ITBiz: Jak naučit modely umělé inteligence efektivně spolupracovat Nová metoda nabízí efektivnější vyhledávání dat z dlouhodobých datových úložišť na bázi syntetických polymerů. Bezpečnostní trendy pro rok 2025: zločinecké kouřové clony a demokratizace kyberútoků. Efektivní ukládání dat pomocí technologie ePMR. Fortinet pokračuje v rozšiřování generativní umělé inteligence napříč svým portfoliem. Jak naučit modely umělé inteligence efektivně spolupracovat. FOSDEM 25 v Bruseli Aj v roku 2025 sa v Bruseli uskutoční podujatie "Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting" (FOSDEM). Viac na jeho stránkach . Zdroj: https://fosdem.org/2025/ Take the Cloud Native Security Survey Share your insights to help improve cloud native security and receive 25% off your CloudNativeSecurityCon registration. The post Take the Cloud Native Security Survey appeared first on Linux.com . |
Rakudo #178 (2024.12) Rakudo (Wikipedie), tj. překladač programovacího jazyka Raku (Wikipedie), byl vydán ve verzi #178 (2024.12). Programovací jazyk Raku byl dříve znám pod názvem Perl 6. DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 1101 The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS . This week in DistroWatch Weekly: Review: GhostBSD 24.10.1 News: openSUSE provides cross-desktop GPU switching tool, GNU announces Shepherd 1.0, UBports addresses security concerns in new update, Murena unveils its first tablet, Xfce 4.20 launched Questions and answers: Sending attachments from the command line Released last week: A… 5 of the More Useful Note-taking Apps in Linux Note-taking app is indispensable in every computing system. Here are some of the more useful note-taking apps that you can use on Linux today. The post 5 of the More Useful Note-taking Apps in Linux appeared first on Linux Today . New Version of Mir-Based Tiling Window Manager Miracle-WM Out A new version of Miracle-wm, a Mir-based tiling window manager, is out. Miracle-wm 0.4 continues to make inroads in fleshing out its support for i3 IPC, vital work needed to make sure popular tools like waybar, nwg-shell, etc work well as well here as they do in Sway, i3, hyprland, et al. Workspace improvements aplenty make it in, also. Workspaces can be assigned names and those names relayed to … Russ Allbery: Review: Finders Review: Finders , by Melissa Scott Series: Firstborn, Lastborn #1 Publisher: Candlemark & Gleam Copyright: 2018 ISBN: 1-936460-87-4 Format: Kindle Pages: 409 Finders is a far future science fiction novel with cyberpunk vibes. It is the first of a series, but the second (and, so far, only other) book of the series is a prequel. It stands alone reasonably well (more on that later). Cassilde Sam is a salvor. That means she specializes in exploring ancient wrecks and ruins left behind by the Ancien… Linux Predictions For 2025 BrianFagioli shares a report from BetaNews: As we close out 2024, we Linux enthusiasts are once again looking ahead to what the future holds. While Linux has long been the unsung hero of technology, powering servers, supercomputers, and the cloud, it's also a dominant force in the consumer space, even if many don't realize it. With Android leading the way as the most widely used Linux-based operating system, 2025 is shaping up to be another landmark year for the open source world Here are the p… Programovanie v shelli - 2. časť množina príkazov Shell je jednoduchý programovací jazyk veľmi podobný programovaciemu jazyku Python. Takisto ako python si vieme jednotlivé príkazy vyskúšať priamo ako fungujú pomocou interaktívneho režimu. Skripty si vieme uložiť aj do spustiteľného súboru. V operačnom systéme Linux má takýto súbor najčastejšie príponu .sh avšak dôležité sú práva, pretože súbor vieme spustiť aj bez tejto prípony. Na editáciu pou… |
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