Hra zdarma na The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav Na serveru je možné získat zdarma hru The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav od Daedalic Entertainment. Jde o klikací adventuru z fantasy světa. Distribution Release: 4MLinux 47.0 The DistroWatch news feed is brought to you by TUXEDO COMPUTERS . The 4MLinux project is a minimal distribution which ships tools for four types of tasks: servers, gaming, multimedia, and system rescue. The project's latest stable version is 47.0. "As always, the new major release has some new features. GNOME CD Master (GUI frontend for cdrdao), Dia (program for.... How to Set Up an AI Development Environment on Ubuntu In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up an AI development environment on your Ubuntu system. The post How to Set Up an AI Development Environment on Ubuntu appeared first on Linux Today . Want to See Pinned Ubuntu Dock Apps in the Application Grid? You may have noticed (or not) that if an app is pinned to the Ubuntu Dock you don’t see a shortcut for it in the applications grid. This approach is by design to avoid duplication since the dock is always visible (by default) so those app shortcuts are always in reach – each app shortcut only shows once. Not everyone likes this behaviour, especially if Ubuntu Dock auto-hide is enabled. Naturally,… Thomas Goirand: Running a Lenovo Legion pro 7 laptop under Debian As I was tired of long build times, so I convinced my boss to buy me a Lenovo Legion pro 7. The reason is: this laptop has an AMD Ryzen 9 7945HX that has 16 cores (32 threads). This reduces a lot the time I have to just wait for my laptop to compile, or run unit tests, especially for big packages like Ceph, OpenVSwitch, and so on. When buying it, I knew it would not be a good fit for Debian, as this type of laptop is aimed at gaming, and the support under Linux is rather bad. I wish Lenovo had … Bratislava OpenCamp 2025 3. ročník Bratislava OpenCamp sa uskutoční 5. 4. 2025 Po covidových rokoch a ďalších prekážkach je pred nami tretí ročník, ktorý sa uskutoční v apríli 2025 na FIIT STU v Bratislave. Prvý aj druhý ročník konferencie sa tešil účasti okolo 300 ľudí, veríme že tretí ročník bude ešte lákavejší. Zdroj: Bratislava OpenCamp Krásné Vánoce a úspěšný rok 2025 Redakce LinuxExpres si dovoluje popřát svým čtenářům pohodové prožití vánočních svátků a úspěšné vykročení do roku 2025. |
Gimp 3.0 rc2 Oficiálně byla vydána (Mastodon, ) druhá RC verze GIMPu 3.0. Přehled novinek v oznámení o vydání. Podrobně v souboru NEWS na GitLabu. česká alternativa k YouTube postavená na PeerTube česká alternativa k YouTube postavená na PeerTube, příspěvek na blogu Jiřího Eischmanna. Na byly nahrány videozáznamy z posledních dvou ročníků OpenAltu. Rok 2024: skomírající Intel, parádní Plasma 6 i čtvrt století serveru Stejně jako rok minulý, ani ten letošní nebyl skoupý na zajímavé události, velké převraty a hromadu běžné rutiny v IT světě i linuxovém. Navazujeme na loňský přehled významných událostí, kterým jsme byli v uplynulých 12 měsících svědky. Serpent OS Gets an Alpha Release Right Before 2024 Ends Serpent OS is an interesting release to look forward to in 2025. The Linux ecosystem is a genuinely innovative space, where we have countless distributions. We have the popular ones like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Arch Linux, and their derivatives. How managing networks differs on Windows 10 and Linux If you're considering leaving the soon-to-sunsetted Windows 10 for Linux, you'll want to know how to manage networks with the open-source operating system. NVIDIA Made Great Strides With Their Open-Source Kernel Code & Wayland Support In 2024 This year NVIDIA's official Linux graphics driver enjoyed much more robust Wayland support, their open-source kernel modules have matured greatly and are now being used by default, and their proprietary Vulkan and OpenGL drivers remain in good standing for performant Linux gaming and workstation graphics. NVIDIA's Linux driver stack had a rather great year... Three stable kernel updates Greg Kroah-Hartman has posted three new stable kernel updates: 6.12.7 , 6.6.68 , and 6.1.122 . As usual, he warns that all users of stable kernels must upgrade, although for many systems that seems unlikely to happen until January. T2 Linux SDE 24.12 'Sky's the Limit.' Released With 37 ISOs For 25 CPU ISAs Berlin-based T2 Linux developer René Rebe is also long-time Slashdot reader ReneR — and popped by with a special announcement for the holidays: The T2 Linux team has unveiled T2 Linux SDE 24.12, codenamed "Sky's the Limit!", delivering a massive update for this highly portable source-based Linux distribution... With 3,280 package updates, 206 new features, and the ability to boot on systems with as little as 512MB RAM, this release further strengthens T2 Linux's position as the ultimate tool fo… Take the Cloud Native Security Survey Share your insights to help improve cloud native security and receive 25% off your CloudNativeSecurityCon registration. The post Take the Cloud Native Security Survey appeared first on . PureOS Crimson Development Report: November 2024 Welcome to Part Five Welcome back! Since our first report, this is now our fifth installment. We appreciate our community’s feedback about these updates, and we are happy to continue providing them! Your support in PureOS subscriptions, volunteer efforts, and community feedback helps us advance PureOS for all Librem devices as well as the larger […] The post PureOS Crimson Development Report: Nov… |
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